Low Country Kennels - Savanah, Georgia
Meet our team of professionals who will be caring for your dogs through showing, handling, grooming or boarding.
Meet Tuesday, George, and William.
Tuesday Hanna - Handler and Breeder
Tuesday Hanna is a professional handler and has crisscrossed the United States handling over twenty different breeds in national and international shows. She is breeder of GCH Aslaug of the Low Country, CH Spirit in the Sky of the Low Country and …… With her unique background and training, she ranks as a top groomer as well as a “handler of champions”, including Westminster Kerry Blue Terrier Best Opposite in 2017. Tuesday specializes in coat conditioning, grooming and training for all breeds. In addition, she also volunteers and trains serving as a mentor for Jr. Handlers.
Tuesday is a member of the Savannah Kennel Club, The Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Northern Ohio, The Kerry Blue Terrier Club of Central Florida, and The United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club.
George Hanna - Videographer and Photographer
George has a love for dogs. Just might be what connected him and Tuesday! George ‘keeps the wheels on the bus’ at all times! He is the Executive Director at Low Kennels and works closely with Tuesday scheduling her shows and providing back up support. George has developed outdoor exercising, training and play for the conditioning and physical development of the dogs that reside at Low Country Kennels. In his spare time, as President of the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation, he works closely with their rescue efforts across the nation. He is a top photographer and well known at all rings for videoing the shows they are participating in and sharing them on Facebook. During these times of Covid and lockdowns, George has enabled many to be present ringside.
William Hanna
William is general manager of the boarding kennels. He implements the training programs as he works with the dogs daily. In addition he volunteers for the Kerry Blue Terrier Foundation and is involved with the rescue program for the Kerry Blue Terriers.