Low Country Kennels
Low Country's Reaper of the Souls aka “Sparkles”
Bitch: MBIS / RBIS / MBISS GCHS AM/CAN CH Kerzmin’s Diamonds Are Forever Sire: Symphonies’ Checkmate CKC
Well it all started when we went to see diamonds puppies at Tuesday's house, and there she was sitting there looking at us. My husband picked her up and that's all it took. We said “She's ours.” and Tuesday and George just stared at us.
Yep now we have a herd of Griff and one Kerry Blue. It was different at the start because Sparkles as a 10 week old puppy, was bigger than a Griff full grown; she was so good she would get down on all fours and crawl around on the floor trying to play with them even though they would bite her and growl at her, she was determined to win them over and she did.
Now “Sparky”, aka Sparkles, is the protector of the Griff's and they sure do love her. We have three month old Griff puppies here that weigh 4 to 5 pounds and they fly around the backyard together. Sparky is so smart if they stop quickly and she's afraid she'll crash into them, she jumps over them without even touching them. Most dogs wouldn't care, they would just run them over, but not Sparky. She loves her little friends.
We really feel blessed that she is in our lives and we love her. My husband takes great pride and telling people she is mine. Beverly